OzarkCon 2008
ELF through VLF
plus LF
Long Wave Radio
Steve Yates

Why a Long Wave Talk at a QRP Conference?
I’ve been very active exploring the long wave spectrum when not operating QRP.
There are some really cool things to listen to on the long waves with simple QRP style gear!
QRP operators are skilled at pulling weak signals out of the noise.
There is a lot of new activity on the LW bands that take QRP to the extreme

Long Wave Spectrum
3 Hz to 30 Hz = ELF* (100 Mm – 10 Mm)
30 Hz to 300 Hz = SLF (10 Mm – 1 Mm)
300 Hz to 3 kHz = ULF (1 Mm – 100 km)
3 kHz to 30 kHz = VLF (100 km – 10 km)
30 kHz to 300 kHz =   LF (10 km – 1 km)
*Popular misuse calls anything from about 3 Hz to 3 kHz ELF

Types of Signals
300 Hz to 30 kHz
Man Made

Man Made Signals
Navigation Signals
TV Horizontal Sync. Oscillators
The Power Grid!

Mostly MSK (Minimum Shift Keying)
Stations can be heard around the world
Very large transmit antennas but small receive antennas

Navigation Signals
Omega Navigation – U.S.A but off line now
Alpha System (RSDN-20)
Three Russian transmitters near Novosibirsk, Krasnodar and Seyda
Frequencies of 11.905 kHz, 12.649 kHz and 14.881 kHz
Easily heard in U.S.A with simple equipment.

TV Horizontal Sync. Oscillators
15.734 kHz carrier (NTSC) U.S.A.
15.625 kHz carrier (PAL)
Mostly from older CRT televisions

The Power Grid!
The 60 Hz (50 Hz in many other countries) is a major source of RFI
50/60 Hz easily filtered but harmonics are not.
Harmonics to a few kHz
New DSP filters have been very successful at generating comb filters to remove power grid RFI with minimum distortion of desired signals

Spectrogram of Man Made Signals

More Man Made Signals

Natural Emissions
Dawn Chorus

Atmospheric signals created by the Earth’s lightning activity
Can be heard for thousands of miles via ground wave and/or sky wave at night

Spectrogram of ‘Spherics

Created by the ionosphere “wave guide” cut-off effect of broad band lightning emissions
At cut-off, usually about 3 kHz, there is a dispersive effect that causes the frequencies just above cut-off to be delayed in time, creating a “tweak” sound
Cut-off wave length about 100 km. Ionosphere e-layer?
May have interesting HF propagation prediction possibilities

Spectrogram of Tweaks

A slow musical note beginning at high frequencies and dropping to low frequencies over a few seconds
Caused by broad band lightning emissions being propagated in the Earth’s plasmasphere along magnetic field lines.  The longer the wavelength, the slower the propagation is through the dispersive plasma paths. Hence, high frequencies arrive first

Spectrogram of Whistlers

Dawn Chorus
Sounds like birds in the morning
Mostly heard around dawn

Spectrogram of Dawn Chorus

Other Emissions
Maybe aurora activity and/or geomagnetic storms
Maybe meteor activity [14]
Maybe earthquake activity (piezoelectric effect) [11]
Multitude of man made devices such as electric motors, etc.

Spectrogram of Unusual Emissions

How To Listen
Need to convert electromagnetic (radio) waves in recordable or audible signals.
Sample the E-Field or the H-Field and drive an audio amplifier or a computer’s sound card
Superheterodyne receiver
Big antennas not needed for receive only applications

E-Field Probe Receiver
Detects the electric field of the EM wave
Relatively short whip connected to a very high impedance, voltage amplifier
Simple ground, such as 1 foot stake or your body
Beware of capacitance from whip to other objects
Very simple and portable setup.

E-Field Probe Receiver Example
Inspire Receiver – Home brewed based on original NASA Inspire project design

E-Field Probe Receiver Kit
VLF-3 – Latest NASA Inspire project kit
$80.00 USD

Commercial Receiver
WR-3 Receiver by Stephen McGreevy, N6NKS http://www.auroralchorus.com/wr3.htm

H-Field Probe Receiver
Detects the magnetic field of the EM wave
A low impedance loop driving a current amplifier
Useful bi-directional pattern
Perpendicular loops may drive left and right channels for cool “stereo” effect

Superheterodyne Receiver Example
Rycom R1307A/GR Receiver
3 kHz to 830 kHz
Modes: AM, CW, MCW, SSB, FM and FSK

Any battery powered audio amplifier will usually suffice
Any connection to earth may introduce hum due to ground loop
Computer sound card is great
Either isolate the line from computer or keep the computer floating (battery powered)

Computer preferred but can use old tape recorder.
Sound card applications such as Audacity
Don’t use devices or applications with AGC due to pumping by ‘spherics
48 kHz sampling rate allows for 24 kHz bandwidth recording (Nyquist)
.wav files uncompressed with no loss
.mp3 files compression but much smaller but some loss

Very good editing capabilities
Works on most OS platforms (ex. Linux, Windows, Mac, etc.)
Saves in various formats, including .wav and .mp3

Analyzing Software
Spectrum Lab – by DL4YHF
Very user configurable
Complex but user groups available
Windows Vista incompatible (at least for me)

Analyzing Software
Spectrogram Ver. 15 – by Richard Horne
$29.95 USD
Very user friendly and simple to use
Microsoft Vista compatible

Analyzing Software
Software for decoding QRSS signals
A good tool for extreme QRP!

Other Bands of Amateur Interest
71.6 - 74.4 kHz – U.K. allocation
Mostly for cave communications using induction rather then radio
135.7-137.8 kHz – 2200m Band
Approved at the World Radio Communication Conference (WRC-07) for world wide use but not by FCC
Many stations active, mostly in UK and Canada
Many use ARGO, by I2PHD and IK2CZZ - Software for decoding QRSS signals
160-190 kHz – LowFER (Low-Frequency Experimental Radio) Band (Real QRPp!)
License free operation under FCC Part 15.217
Limit 1W DC input to the PA
Maximum 15m  of antenna, ground lead, and feedline together!

LowFER Example

QSL From LowFER Station

Useful Web Links
Welcome to the Realm of Natural VLF Radio Phenomena, by Stephen McGreevy, N6NKS - http://www.spaceweathersounds.com/
LWCA – Long Wave Club of America - http://www.lwca.org/
IK1QFK, Renato Romero Home Page - Exploring ULF-ELF and VLF radio band - http://www.vlf.it/
NASA Inspire Project - http://image.gsfc.nasa.gov/poetry/inspire/
VLF_Group – Natural Radio VLF Discussion Group - http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/VLF_Group/
Stanford VLF Group - http://www-star.stanford.edu/~vlf/Welcome.html
VLF-3 – Latest NASA Inspire project kit - http://image.gsfc.nasa.gov/poetry/inspire/2007/VLF3RadioReceiver.htm
WR-3 Receiver, by Stephen McGreevy, N6NKS - http://www.auroralchorus.com/wr3.htm
Audacity Sound Editor - http://audacity.sourceforge.net/
Spectrum Lab, by DL4YHF - http://freenet-homepage.de/dl4yhf/spectra1.html
Spectrogram Version. 15, by Richard Horne - http://www.visualizationsoftware.com/gram.html
ARGO QRSS Software, by I2PHD and IK2CZZ - http://digilander.libero.it/i2phd/argo/index.html
Longwave Operations, AA5TB - http://www.aa5tb.com/longwave.html
Rycom R1307A/GR Receiver, by AA5TB - http://www.aa5tb.com/rycom.html

[Chang and Helliwell, 1980] Chang, Donald C. and Helliwell, Robert A., VLF Pulse Propagation in the Magnetosphere. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. pp. 170-176. Vol. AP-28, No. 2, 1980
[Cohen]. Cohen, Morris, Stanford VLF Remote Sensing. Stanford University
[Cohen, 2006] Cohen, Morris, Narrowband Transmitter Guide. The Stanford University ELF/VLF Receiver. Stanford University, 2006
[Gallett,1959] Gallett, Robert M., The Very Low-Frequency Emissions Generated in the Earth’s Exosphere”. Proceedings of the IRE. Pp. 211-231, 1959
[Helliwell and Morgan, 1959] Helliwell, R. A. and Morgan, M. G., Atmospheric Whistlers. Proceedings of the IRE. Pp. 200-208, 1959
[Inan et al.,] Inan, U. S., Cohen, M. B., Scherrer, P. H.,  and Scherrer, D., VLF Remote Sensing of the Lower Ionosphere: Solar Flares, Electron Precipitation, Sprites, and Giant χ-ray Flares”. Stanford University
[Johnson, 2000] Johnson, Michael P., VLF Imaging of Lightning-Induced Ionospheric Disturbances. Stanford University. PhD Dissertation, 2000
[Laasphere et al., 1963] Laasphere, T., Morgan, M. G and Johnson, W. C., Some Results of Five Years of Whistler Observations from Labrador to Antarctica. Proceedings of the IEEE. Pp. 554-568, 1963
[Laasphere et al., 1964] Laasphere, T., Morgan, M. G and Johnson, W. C., Chorus, Hiss, and Other Audio-Frequency Emissions at Stations of the Whistlers-East Network. Proceedings of the IEEE. Pp. 1331-1349, 1964
[Mohr and Gross] Mohr, Bernard and Gross, Stanley, Space Antennas for Whistler Reception. Airborne Instruments Laboratory. Pp. 128-133
[Ozaki et al., 2004] Ozaki, M., Nagano, I., Yagitani, S. and Miyamura, K., Ionospheric Propagation of ELF/VLF Waves Radiated from Earthquake. Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Kanazawa University. Pp. 539-542, 2004
[Potter, 1951] Potter, Ralph K., Analysis of Audio-Frequency Atmospherics. Proceedings of the I.R.E. pp. 1067-1069, 1951
[Poulsen, 1991] Poulsen, William L., Modeling of Very Low Frequency Wave Propagation and Scattering Within the Earth-Ionosphere Waveguide in the Presence of Lower Ionosphereic Disturbances, PhD Thesis Dissertation, Stanford University, 1991
[Price and Blum, 2000] Price, Colin and Blum, Moshe, ELF/VLF Radiation Produced By The 1999 Leonid Meteors. Department of Geophysics and Planetary Science, Tel Aviv University. Pp. 545-548, 2000
